Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life.

-Paulo Coelho

What is Focalizing

Focalizing is a healing process which draws upon the innate intelligence of the body to enable positive changes in a person's life. The human body is constantly providing us with clear signals and communication intended to guide us through our everyday lives. Traumatic experiences - which very often have historical and inter-generational roots - can cause us to become disembodied and disconnected from who we are meant to be. Instead of heeding intuitive wisdom from the body, we instead end up becoming trapped in the suffering of the mind. Rather than seeing them as distraction or a barrier, Focalizing helps reveal that the natural signals which are actually a path to lasting healing. With Focalizing, an individual is empowered to deeply and compassionately listen to their body and allow it to help them process complex emotions, regain their authentic strength, and discover their own solutions to healing emotional and physical issues.

The Focalizing process was pioneered in the 1980s by Dr. Michael Picucci and incorporates Somatic Experiencing, Focusing and Dr. Picucci's research and observations from his 30+ year career.

Focalizing allows for cultivating a client's connection with their body without necessitating any physical touch. Instead, Focalizing sessions guide a client to direct their conscious awareness to the felt sensations of their own body. The result is an effective and holistic process that is gentle, natural, and self-paced.

Benefits of Focalization

It has been said that Focalizing is a technology that "transcends talk therapy" and "goes beyond our past stories." Focalizing is a healing modality that doesn't necessarily rely on talk or re-telling stories in order to be effective. Some people have realized that, for them, re-telling their story or 'talking through problems' doesn’t always provide lasting relief or change. At times, it's the stories themselves that keep individuals stuck in perspectives and impeded growth.

Focalizing is founded on the understanding that deep, sustainable healing comes from accessing a part of the mind and body that many people have lost touch with. Focalizing is a lifeline for so many because it gives anyone the ability to fundamentally improve the quality of their life in a natural and intentional way.

The Focalization Process

From an observer's perspective, Focalizing looks similar to a guided meditation where participants are comfortably directing their conscious attention inward. Once a client is grounded and focusing on the felt senses of their body, a facilitator guides the Focalizer through a process that allows the body's innate healing capabilities to naturally flow into the blocks that are at the heart of the their issue. The guiding process of Focalizing is a connection with nature, or source energy. Neither the facilitator or focalizer (client) tries to control the process, rather, it is divinely intuited.

Focalizing always starts with intention, brought by the client and then explored with the facilitator. Examples of intention are freedom from anxiety, wanting a better connection with others, learning to navigate life-changes, or improving one’s health. When one sets an intention, truly connects with themselves, and notices what unfolds non-judgmentally, the body naturally allows for needs to be acknowledged and worked with in order to overcome internal barriers.

What comes to light can take the form of memories, images, felt sensations and/or emotions; some of which were long forgotten or suppressed in some manner. As the session continues, the facilitator supports the client by suggesting specific approaches for moving deeper into these experiences in a safe and supported manner.

The lasting power of this process unfolds after a short period of time of deepening the mind-body connection. In as little as 10-15 minutes of watching what surfaces, the body's natural and powerful healing mechanisms are able to come online. Without much conscious effort on behalf of the client, their body begins to release the stored shock of trauma, the tension of years of anxiety and the emotions that once felt hopelessly entangled around the client's past story.

(With Deep Gratitude to Nick Werber, Integrative Life Coach, Family Constellations Practitioner & Certified Focalization Practitioner)

“Intuition is the whisper of the Soul.”

-Jiddu Krishnamurti